In the area of walnuts in Uzbekistan

Agriculture Crops Nuts Nuts Refining Degree
With Shell 5,102 Ha in 2022 FAO
Asia With Shell (Ha in 2022)

China is the top country by in the area of walnuts with shell among 14 countries. As of 2022, in the area of walnuts with shell in China was 356,656 ha that accounts for 91.80% of total in the area of walnuts with shell. The top 5 countries (others are Afghanistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan) account for 97.78% of it. The total in the area of walnuts with shell was estimated at 388,505 ha in 2022.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
China 356,656 FAO
Afghanistan 8,000 FAO
Georgia 6,054 FAO
Uzbekistan 5,102 FAO
Azerbaijan 4,075 FAO
Nepal 2,301 FAO
Pakistan 1,721 FAO
Armenia 1,704 FAO
Kyrgyzstan 1,321 FAO
Kazakhstan 927 FAO
Republic of Korea 612 FAO
Bhutan 32 FAO
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0 FAO
India 0 FAO
Agriculture Crops Nuts Nuts Type Treenuts (Ha in 2022)
Almonds With Shell 1 timeseries
Hazelnuts With Shell 1 timeseries
Pistachios 1,046 FAO
Walnuts With Shell 1 timeseries
Agriculture Indicators With Shell
Area 5,102 Ha in 2022 FAO
Production 48,179.68 t in 2022 FAO
Yield 94,426 100 g/ha in 2022 FAO