The official exchange rate of Malta

0.31 LCU in 2007

Though Malta official exchange rate fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1988 - 2007 period ending at 0.31 LCU in 2007.

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Alternate Sources
World Bank Global Economic Monitor 0.4 LCU per USD on May 2024 WB
The official exchange rate in Europe
Hungary 183.63 LCU in 2007 WB
Albania 90.43 LCU in 2007 WB
Iceland 64.06 LCU in 2007 WB
Serbia 58.45 LCU in 2007 WB
North Macedonia 44.73 LCU in 2007 WB
Russian Federation 25.58 LCU in 2007 WB
Estonia 11.43 LCU in 2007 WB
Sweden 6.76 LCU in 2007 WB
Norway 5.86 LCU in 2007 WB
Denmark 5.44 LCU in 2007 WB
The exchange rate of Malta
Effective Exchange Rate 103.69 Index, 2010 = 100 in 2007 WB