
  • Président :Mahamat Déby
  • Premier ministre:Allamaye Halina
  • Capitale:N'Djamena
  • Langues:French (official), Arabic (official), Sara (in south), more than 120 different languages and dialects
  • Gouvernement:No data
  • Bureau de statistique national:No data
  • Population, personnes:18 559 768 (2024)
  • Surface en km2:1 259 200
  • PIB par habitant, US$:717 (2022)
  • PIB, milliards US$ en cours:12,7 (2022)
  • Indice de GINI:37,4 (2022)
  • Classement Facilité à faire des affaires:182

Tous les ensembles de données: G I M T W
  • G
    • novembre 2017
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 02 décembre, 2017
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      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe. Annual government deficit and debt statistics are reported to the European Commission in the framework of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). Government revenue and expenditure, annual and quarterly, are reported by Member States under the ESA 95 transmission programme.  General government net borrowing/net lending (deficit/surplus), and general government debt, form two of the convergence criteria for EMU. The following series are as reported in the EDP tables:Deficit/surplus of the general government sector;General government debt;General government gross fixed capital formation;General government primary balanceIntergovernmental lending within the EU and euro area in the context of the financial crisis.  Total general government revenue and total general government expenditure annual series are reported by national authorities in ESA table 2 of the ESA 95 transmission programme.  General government deficit/surplus and general government debt quarterly series are reported by national authorities in ESA tables 25 and 28, respectively, of the ESA 95 transmission programme.
    • avril 2024
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 23 avril, 2024
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    • mai 2014
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 12 décembre, 2015
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      Government expenditure by COFOG function and type notified by national authorities in Table 11 of the ESA 95 transmission programme. Data are presented in millions of Euro, millions of national currency units and percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Main sources of data: National authorities.
    • novembre 2017
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 02 décembre, 2017
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      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe. Annual government deficit and debt statistics are reported to the European Commission in the framework of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). Government revenue and expenditure, annual and quarterly, are reported by Member States under the ESA 95 transmission programme.  General government net borrowing/net lending (deficit/surplus), and general government debt, form two of the convergence criteria for EMU. The following series are as reported in the EDP tables:Deficit/surplus of the general government sector;General government debt;General government gross fixed capital formation;General government primary balanceIntergovernmental lending within the EU and euro area in the context of the financial crisis.  Total general government revenue and total general government expenditure annual series are reported by national authorities in ESA table 2 of the ESA 95 transmission programme.  General government deficit/surplus and general government debt quarterly series are reported by national authorities in ESA tables 25 and 28, respectively, of the ESA 95 transmission programme.
    • avril 2024
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 24 avril, 2024
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      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe, most notably for the statistics related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The EDP is established in the Treaty and specified in the Stability and Growth Pact legislation. The Member States report data related to the EDP to the Commission (Eurostat) which, in turn, is responsible for providing the data to the Council. European GFS, including the statistics for the EDP, are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), the EU manual for national accounts, which in September 2014 replaced the previous version of the national accounting framework ESA 95. It is supplemented by further interpretation and guidance from Eurostat, in particular the Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Council Regulation 479/2009 as amended requires that Member States report government deficit/surplus (hereinafter deficit) and debt data related to the EDP twice per year: before 1 April and 1 October for the preceding four calendar years and a forecast for the current year. The data are reported in harmonised tables. These tables are designed specifically to provide a consistent framework, with a link to national budgetary aggregates and between the deficit and changes in the debt. They should be fully consistent with GFS data delivered to Eurostat in the ESA 2010 transmission programme. The EDP notification tables contain for general government and its sub sectors: Table 1: Summary table on deficit and debt, including auxiliary indicators (Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Interest and Gross Domestic Product - GDP)Tables 2A - 2D: Transition from the working balance to the deficit/surplus for general government sub sectorsTables 3A - 3E: Transition from the deficit/surplus to the change in debt for general government and its sub sectorsTable 4: Supplementary data. The data are presented in the Eurostat's Statistics Database in national currency, euro/ECU, and percentage of GDP. In order to reflect economic and technological developments and meet user needs, in September 2014 the new national accounting framework ESA 2010 replaced the previous framework ESA 95. This led to revisions of the time series for all Member States (please see Eurostat press release for the impact of the revisions on the government deficit and debt ratios). The main changes relate to the classification of certain entities into government and the treatment of transactions related to pension schemes. Also the concept of government deficit was changed as regards treatment of interest on swaps and forward rate agreements (Commission Regulation 220/2014 amending the Council Regulation 479/2009), according to which these flows are now recorded as financial transaction in line with the core ESA accounting framework.
    • septembre 2021
      Source : National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, Costa Rica
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 06 septembre, 2022
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      National Accounts of Costa Rica
    • juillet 2014
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 11 décembre, 2015
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      Main revenue and expenditure items of the general government sector, notified by national authorities in Table 2 of the ESA 95 transmission programme. Data are presented in millions of Euro, millions of national currency units, Euro per inhabitant and percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Main sources of data: National authorities
  • I
    • avril 2024
      Source : International Monetary Fund
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 26 avril, 2024
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      The Fiscal Monitor surveys and analyzes the latest public finance developments, it updates fiscal implications of the crisis and medium-term fiscal projections and assesses policies to put public finances on a sustainable footing. 
    • juin 2024
      Source : International Monetary Fund
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 25 juin, 2024
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      Data cited at: International Financial Statistics (IFS), The International Monetary Fund. The International Financial Statistics database covers about 200 countries and areas, with some aggregates calculated for selected regions, plus some world totals. Topics covered include balance of payments, commodity prices, exchange rates, fund position, government finance, industrial production, interest rates, international investment position, international liquidity, international transactions, labor statistics, money and banking, national accounts, population, prices, and real effective exchange rates. The International Financial Statistics is based on various IMF data collections. It includes exchange rates series for all Fund member countries plus Anguilla, Aruba, China, PR: Hong Kong, China, PR: Macao, Montserrat, and the Netherlands Antilles. It also includes major Fund accounts series, real effective exchange rates, and other world, area, and country series. Data are available for most IMF member countries with some aggregates calculated for select regions, plus some world totals. National Accounts, Indicators of Economic Activity, Labor Markets, Prices, Government and Public Sector Finance, Financial Indicators, Balance of Payments, International Investment Position, International Reserves, Fund Accounts, External Trade, Exchange Rates, and Population.
  • M
    • juillet 2014
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 12 décembre, 2015
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      Detailed tax and social contribution receipts by type of tax or social contribution and by sub-sector of general government, notified by national authorities in line with Table 0900 of the ESA 95 transmission programme. Data are presented in euro/ECU, national currency units and as percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland. Main sources of data: National authorities.
  • T
    • avril 2024
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 24 avril, 2024
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      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe, most notably for the statistics related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The EDP is established in the Treaty and specified in the Stability and Growth Pact legislation. The Member States report data related to the EDP to the Commission (Eurostat) which, in turn, is responsible for providing the data to the Council. European GFS, including the statistics for the EDP, are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), the EU manual for national accounts, which in September 2014 replaced the previous version of the national accounting framework ESA 95. It is supplemented by further interpretation and guidance from Eurostat, in particular the Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Council Regulation 479/2009 as amended requires that Member States report government deficit/surplus (hereinafter deficit) and debt data related to the EDP twice per year: before 1 April and 1 October for the preceding four calendar years and a forecast for the current year. The data are reported in harmonised tables. These tables are designed specifically to provide a consistent framework, with a link to national budgetary aggregates and between the deficit and changes in the debt. They should be fully consistent with GFS data delivered to Eurostat in the ESA 2010 transmission programme. The EDP notification tables contain for general government and its sub sectors: Table 1: Summary table on deficit and debt, including auxiliary indicators (Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Interest and Gross Domestic Product - GDP)Tables 2A - 2D: Transition from the working balance to the deficit/surplus for general government sub sectorsTables 3A - 3E: Transition from the deficit/surplus to the change in debt for general government and its sub sectorsTable 4: Supplementary data. The data are presented in the Eurostat's Statistics Database in national currency, euro/ECU, and percentage of GDP. In order to reflect economic and technological developments and meet user needs, in September 2014 the new national accounting framework ESA 2010 replaced the previous framework ESA 95. This led to revisions of the time series for all Member States (please see Eurostat press release for the impact of the revisions on the government deficit and debt ratios). The main changes relate to the classification of certain entities into government and the treatment of transactions related to pension schemes. Also the concept of government deficit was changed as regards treatment of interest on swaps and forward rate agreements (Commission Regulation 220/2014 amending the Council Regulation 479/2009), according to which these flows are now recorded as financial transaction in line with the core ESA accounting framework.
  • W
    • février 2022
      Source : International Monetary Fund
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 06 avril, 2022
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      The IMF’s World Revenue Longitudinal Data set (WoRLD) is a compilation of government tax and non-tax revenues from the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics and World Economic Outlook, and drawing on the OECD Revenue Statistics and Revenue Statistics in Latin American and the Caribbean.