Al Jabal al Gharbi

  • Capital:Gharyan
  • Land Area, sq. km:76 717 (2006)
  • Population, persons:307 616 (2012)
  • Male (persons):156 700 (2012)
  • Female (persons):150 916 (2012)
  • Population density, people per sq. km:4,0 (2012)
  • Agriculture Land Area (ha):89 096 (2007)
  • Number of Households:59 017 (2012)
  • Average Household size:5,2 (2012)
  • Education Enrollment, Total:98 685 (2006)
  • Education Enrollment, First Level:36 074 (2006)
  • Education Enrollment, Second Level:21 433 (2006)
  • Births:6 161 (2010)
  • Deaths:1 309 (2010)
  • Hospitals:9 (2007)
  • Number of Beds in Hospitals:1 110 (2007)
  • Births in Hospital(%):100,0 (2010)
