The labor force participation rate in Timor-Leste

Demographics Age (% in 2023)
Adult 66.68 WB
Youth 38.49 WB
Gender (% in 2023)
Male 42.04 WB
Female 34.7 WB
Southeast Asia (% in 2023)

Cambodia is the top country by labor force participation rate among 13 countries. As of 2023, labor force participation rate in Cambodia was 55.69 %. The top 5 countries also includes Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Macau, and Myanmar.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Cambodia 55.69 WB
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 48.2 WB
Viet Nam 44.87 WB
Macau 42.01 WB
Myanmar 38.72 WB
Indonesia 38.4 WB
Malaysia 37.03 WB
Timor-Leste 34.7 WB
Singapore 34.21 WB
Thailand 33.08 WB
Hong Kong 32.63 WB
Brunei Darussalam 31.77 WB
Philippines 26.24 WB
Average Working Hours 21.3 Hours Per Week in 2007 WB
Employment 39.19 % in 2022 WB + 1 other
Employment Rate 65.49 % in 2023 WB
Labor Force 45.19 % in 2023 WB + 1 other
Labor Force Participation Rate 34.7 % in 2023 WB
Underemployment 0.44 % in 2013 WB
Unemployment 1.79 % in 2023 WB + 1 other