
  • Capital:Asyut
  • Languages:Egyptian Arabic (68%), Sa'idi Arabic (29%), Bedouin Arabic (1.6%), Sudanese Arabic (0.6%), Domari (0.3%), Nobiin (0.3%), Bedawi (0.1%), Siwi and other
  • Governor:Ibrahim Hamad
  • Gov website
  • Area, sq. km:25 926 (2016)
  • Population (thousand persons):4 417 (2016)
  • Population Density, people per sq. km:170,4 (2016)
  • Sex Ratio (males per 100 females):104 (2016)
  • Number of Households:147 (2015)
  • Crude Birth Rate (per 1000 population):35,3 (2015)
  • Crude Death Rate (per 1000 population):6 (2015)
  • Gross Enrollment Ratio, Primary (%):92,1 (2007)
  • Gross Enrollment Ratio, Secondary (%):57,6 (2007)
  • Labour Force, % of Population (15+):29,1 (2007)
  • Proportion of households below lower poverty line (%):52,1 (1999)
  • Proportion of households below $1 (PPP) per day (%):17,4 (1991)
