
  • Gouverneur général:Susan Dougan
  • Premier ministre:Ralph Gonsalves
  • Capitale:Kingstown
  • Langues:English, French patois
  • Gouvernement
  • Bureau de statistique national:No data
  • Population, personnes:103 613 (2024)
  • Surface en km2:390
  • PIB par habitant, US$:9 125 (2022)
  • PIB, milliards US$ en cours:0,9 (2022)
  • Indice de GINI:No data
  • Classement Facilité à faire des affaires:130

Tous les ensembles de données: G H I L W
  • G
    • septembre 2023
      Source : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 14 septembre, 2023
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      This table provides information on the main relevant indicators. The data have mainly been supplied by the World Bank, and cover, where available: -Current Gross National Income (GNI) in US $ millions; -GNI per capita (US $); -Population; -Energy use as kilogram of oil per capita; -Average Life Expectancy of Adults; and -Adult Literacy Rate as a percentage of the country population. Data for Sudan include South Sudan, with the exception of total population, which is reported separately.
  • H
    • mai 2024
      Source : World Health Organization
      Téléchargé par : Shylesh Naik
      Accès le : 02 mai, 2024
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    • juin 2023
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 13 juin, 2023
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      The indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 measures the number of years that a person at age 65 is still expected to live in a healthy condition. HLY is a health expectancy indicator which combines information on mortality and morbidity. The data required are the age-specific prevalence (proportions) of the population in healthy and unhealthy conditions and age-specific mortality information. A healthy condition is defined by the absence of limitations in functioning/disability. The indicator is calculated separately for males and females. The indicator is also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE).
    • juin 2024
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 16 juin, 2024
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      The indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY) at birth measures the number of years that a person at birth is still expected to live in a healthy condition. HLY is a health expectancy indicator which combines information on mortality and morbidity. The data required are the age-specific prevalence (proportions) of the population in healthy and unhealthy conditions and age-specific mortality information. A healthy condition is defined by the absence of limitations in functioning/disability. The indicator is calculated separately for males and females. The indicator is also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE).
  • I
  • L
    • septembre 2023
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 27 septembre, 2023
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      Life expectancy at birth is defined as the mean number of years that a new-born child can expect to live if subjected throughout his life to the current mortality conditions (age specific probabilities of dying).
    • juin 2024
      Source : Eurostat
      Téléchargé par : Knoema
      Accès le : 28 juin, 2024
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      Life expectancy at birth is defined as the mean number of years that a new-born child can expect to live if subjected throughout his life to the current mortality conditions (age specific probabilities of dying).
  • W