Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad

  • Capital:Yasuj
  • Languages:Lurish
  • Governor:Mosa Khademi
  • Population (persons):713 052 (2016)
  • Area in sq.km:15 504,1 (2011)
  • Population Density (persons per sq.km):46 (2016)
  • Sex Ratio (males per 100 females):103 (2016)
  • Average Household Size:3,8 (2016)
  • Students in Primary School:75 719 (2017)
  • Students in Upper Secondary School:24 732 (2017)
  • Student in Lower Secondary School:30 061 (2017)
  • Literacy Rate:81,9 (2011)
  • Employed:140 (2007)
  • Unemployed:34 (2007)
  • Physicians:0 (2016)
  • Dentists:36 (2011)
  • Television Station:213 (2011)
  • Subscribers of Mobile Phones in Use:660 141 (2015)
