Southeast Sulawesi

  • Capital:Kendari
  • Governor:Nur Alam
  • Population, Persons:2 232 586 (2010)
  • Average Annual Population Growth (2000-2010), %:2,08 (2010)
  • Gross Domestic Product, current prices, million rupiahs:28 369 031 (2010)
  • Real GDP Growth Rate, %:8,68 (2011)
  • GDP per capita, current prices, thousand rupiahs:12 707 (2010)
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Human Development Index, Index 100=max, 0=min:70,55 (2011)
  • Percentage of Poor People, %:13,06 (2012)
  • Total Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:3,20 (2010)
  • Infant Mortality Rate, Deaths per 1,000 Live Births:39,67 (2010)
  • Sex Ratio, Males per 100 Females:101,0 (2010)
  • Adult Illiteracy Rate, %:8,51 (2012)
  • Households with access to improved sanitation, %:51,43 (2011)
