(20 May 2020)  In recent weeks, drivers have returned to the roads across the United States as states have increasingly relaxed social distancing guidelines. As of the week starting May 11, driving activity measured as the number of miles per commuter topped the pre COVID-19 peak (different for each state) for two US states, and in 14 US states driving activity increased to 80% or more of the pre-COVID driving levels, according to Nexar.

  • It's some of the hardest hit US states, including New York, New Mexico and Nebraska, where driving activity continues to stay relatively subdued.
  • Driving activity in most of the largest US cities has also not fully recovered, which tells us that rural areas and small cities are relaxing lockdown measures faster compared to large urban centers. According to Nexar Driver Trends statistics, however, driving activity in about a dozen large US cities will rebound in the next 3-4 weeks.

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Total Miles % From Peak and COVID-19 Cases by US State Untitled Total Miles By US State Untitled
Average Miles Per Commuter Untitled Map: Average Miles Per Commuter Untitled Average Hours Per Commuter Untitled Map: Average Hours Per Commuter Untitled
Average Miles Per Commuter Untitled Average Hours Per Commuter Untitled
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