Today we present the results of democracy development survey conducted in 29 countries of Central Europe and Eurasia by "Freedom House", the organization established in 1941 in the United States and aimed at expansion of democracy across the world, as it is the best way to fight against totalitarian ideologies which still continue to prevail in several states. The ratings presented are based on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 representing the highest level of democratic progress and 7 the lowest. The 2013 ratings reflect the period January 1 through December 31, 2012.
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan since 2010 bottom out the list of democracy score ranking: the entrenched political regimes in these countries destructed opposition and got rid of independent journalists struggling for freedom. As for the top of the list, Slovenia continues to keep leading position, being the best performing country according to Freedom House. In spite of that, surge of protests took place in Slovenia in 2012 caused by unpopularity of austerity package and allegations of corruption against senior politicians.
The most significant improvement over 2012 year has passed across Latvia, Czech Republic and Georgia. Latvia's good performance is the result of continuously decreasing political influence of oligarchs as well as increased regulation of political party financing. On the whole, democracy quality has improved in 6 out of 29 countries under review during 2012.

Source: Freedom House Nations in Transit 2013
See also: Democracy Index 2012

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