HUMAN DEVELOPEMENT INDEX (HDI) - is a composite index which includes health, education, income, livelihood security and other indicators. In other words, HDI is an indicator showig how successfull are achievenemts in three main fields of human development: healthy life, knowledge and decent standard of living. The chief aim of HDI is to provide nations with comprehensive measure of environment they provide for their people in terms of opportunites for personal fulfilment. The higher the HDI the better the conditions the country created for its citizens to live and work. The main idea of Human Development Index is as follows: people are the real value of any nation, and the richeness of human lifes is what every nation's government should worry about.
Non-income HDI is a value of the HDI computed from the life expectancy and education indicators only and is calculated to provide an additional means of cross-country comparison and to order countries by achievements in the nonincome dimensions.

Source: Human Development Report, 1980 - 2013

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