21 October 2015 - If life seems more rushed than ever, you might be surprised to learn that we actually have more leisure time than we did 40 years ago, and quite a bit more. So why does it feel like we have so much less? It might be because we waste half of all our leisure time watching television. Globally, people devote more than 2.5 hours a day to viewing television programs despite the diversity of leisure options. 

How people spend their leisure time has significantly changed and is evident even in the short period from 2003-2015 captured in the visualizations below. Men and women spend no more than one hour a day on sport activities, with men spending significantly more time on sports. Uniformly, people are spending less time reading. And as for the classic carefree afternoon teas or nights out with friends, people are spending slightly less time socializing. Discover more information on how people spend their free time through the source:  Time spent on free time activities, by sex.

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