Taux brut de natalité

104,96 (naissances chaque 1 000 habitants, variante moyenne de fécondité) in 2020

The average number of children a hypothetical cohort of women would have at the end of their reproductive period if they were subject during their whole lives to the fertility rates of a given period and if they were not subject to mortality. It is expres

Date Valeur Modifier , %
2020 104,96 -1,94 %
2019 107,04 -1,09 %
2018 108,22 0,37 %
2017 107,82 1,79 %
2016 105,93 2,81 %
2015 103,03 3,11 %
2014 99,92 2,36 %
2013 97,61 0,77 %
2012 96,87 -0,84 %
2011 97,69 -1,80 %
2010 99,48 -1,77 %
2009 101,28