
1 163 497 383 (thousand tonnes) in 2022

Zea mays Corn, Indian corn, mealies. A grain with a high germ content. At the national level, hybrid and ordinary maize should be reported separately owing to widely different yields and uses. Used largely for animal feed and commercial starch production.

Date Valeur Modifier , %
2022 1 163 497 383 -3,68 %
2021 1 207 996 142 4,52 %
2020 1 155 754 013 1,58 %
2019 1 137 729 775 1,19 %
2018 1 124 325 184 -1,40 %
2017 1 140 319 594 1,49 %
2016 1 123 613 865 6,62 %
2015 1 053 833 197 1,29 %
2014 1 040 424 660 2,34 %
2013 1 016 672 048 16,24 %
2012 874 613 898 -1,47 %
2011 887 686 113