Commerce net de biens et services (BdP, U$S courants)

-11 542 638 382 (Dollars américains) in 2023

Net trade in goods and services is derived by offsetting imports of goods and services against exports of goods and services. Exports and imports of goods and services comprise all transactions involving a change of ownership of goods and services between residents of one country and the rest of the world. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Date Valeur Modifier , %
2023 -11 542 638 382 -4,54 %
2022 -12 091 395 112 51,46 %
2021 -7 983 310 845 24,11 %
2020 -6 432 412 327 -50,28 %
2019 -12 938 275 542 -5,01 %
2018 -13 620 787 416 3,74 %
2017 -13 130 161 155 8,45 %
2016 -12 107 086 799 5,96 %
2015 -11 426 359 326 -20,64 %
2014 -14 397 923 872 7,91 %
2013 -13 342 449 921 12,06 %
2012 -11 906 832 865