Exportation de biens et services (BdP)

5 389 959 683 (Dollars américains) in 2015

Exports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from residents to nonresidents of general merchandise, net exports of goods under merchanting, nonmonetary gold, and services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Date Valeur Modifier , %
2015 5 389 959 683 -36,11 %
2014 8 435 839 118 -12,40 %
2013 9 630 340 943 -4,15 %
2012 10 047 189 736 -4,10 %
2011 10 476 428 947 12,16 %
2010 9 340 231 072 41,15 %
2009 6 617 066 756 -28,40 %
2008 9 242 329 128 31,75 %
2007 7 014 838 337 25,21 %
2005 5 602 397 112 32,65 %
2004 4 223 483 168 26,29 %
2003 3 344 340 933