Taux de change, LCU/USD, moyenne d'une période

149,4 ($ int. PPA par habitant) in 1998

Official exchange rate refers to the exchange rate determined by national authorities or to the rate determined in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar).

Date Valeur Modifier , %
1998 149,4 2,04 %
1997 146,4 15,59 %
1996 126,7 1,58 %
1995 124,7 -6,92 %
1994 134,0 5,26 %
1993 127,3 24,30 %
1992 102,4 -1,47 %
1991 103,9 1,94 %
1990 101,9 -13,89 %
1989 118,4 1,62 %
1988 116,5 -5,66 %
1987 123,5