Génération nette totale d'électricité

144,98 (billion kilowatthours) in 2022

The amount of gross generation less the electrical energy consumed at the generating station(s) for station service or auxiliaries. Electricity required for pumping at pumped-storage plants is regarded as electricity for station service and is deducted from gross generation.

Date Valeur Modifier , %
2022 144,98 -4,30 %
2021 151,49 6,37 %
2020 142,42 2,75 %
2019 138,62 -5,33 %
2018 146,43 0,69 %
2017 145,42 -0,90 %
2016 146,74 1,19 %
2015 145,02 4,74 %
2014 138,46 -0,61 %
2013 139,30 2,87 %
2012 135,41 4,98 %
2011 128,99